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Diatomacious Earth

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£3.85 GBP
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£3.85 GBP
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Diatomaceous earth offers an alternative method for detoxing your body, one that is inexpensive, simple, and effective. It doesn't require fasting or foul-tasting health foods, and many people have used it with great success. DE's naturally absorbent and abrasive nature makes it an ideal internal cleanser. As it passes through your system, it absorbs harmful toxins, and it does this without requiring you to change your diet or lifestyle.

Every day, we are exposed to harmful toxins like car exhaust, heavy metals, food additives, and cleaning chemicals. For the most part, our bodies are really good at cleaning out pollutants like these on their own, but sometimes they need a little extra help, and that's where detoxing with diatomaceous earth can help. If you chronically suffer from any of the symptoms listed below, it may be a sign that it's time to detox:

Food cravings


Restless sleeping

Poor focus


Skin rashes or outbreaks

Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, or other indigestion problems

Mood swings


Weight gain

Body odor or bad breath


Aches and pains

Detoxing with diatomaceous earth is easy. Simply follow these steps:

Step 1:

Take about one teaspoon of food grade diatomaceous earth with water once a day. Take it on an empty stomach at least one hour before or two hours after eating. DE is nearly tasteless, but if you don't like its mildly gritty texture, try taking it in juice, yogurt, or a smoothie.

Step 2:

Over the next few weeks, slowly raise your DE dosage from one teaspoon to two teaspoons, taking one in the morning and one teaspoon at night. We recommend taking up to a tablespoon per day.

Step 3:

Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout each day to keep your system hydrated.


Warning.. Do not inhale the powder, it is bad for your lungs if regularly exposed.

Keep away from your face when adding a spoon to your glass.