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Ward Health & Beauty

Micronized Zeolite Clay Mask with Bamboo Mixing Bowl and Spoon 100ml

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£7.99 GBP
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£7.99 GBP
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Zeolite is a Greek word meaning Stone that boils. Axel Fredrik Cronstedt a Swedish mineralogist, observed that upon heating this natural mineral, the stones began to dance around as the water evaporated.

Zeolite is a mineral that gives off negatively charged ions. It is this unique chemical characteristic of attracting positively charged ions that allows a chemical reaction to occur and neutralize toxic matter.
Zeolite has the ability to absorb, store and neutralize toxins making it a valuable detoxifying ingredient for beauty and spa products. It is rich in silicon, calcium, potassium and iron.

Appearance: Fine light pink/brown powder

Benefits: Absorbs, stores and neutralizes toxins, an excellent detoxifying ingredient for all beauty and spa products.

Add 1-2 spoons to your bowl and mix with 1 spoon of pure / distilled water, add to your face, especially the t zone, nose and chin. This is no premixed because the water activates the zeolite, so we don't provide this mixed for that reason. 

Leave for 15 minutes, and wash away! 

Skin Types: Normal to oily skin when used on its own.
When blended with clays it is suitable for all skin types.